Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 2

Well, they made it as far as Tuscan, AZ at the end of Day 1.  Decided to cut it short, had alot of heavy rain.  The plan for Day 2, August 31 was to head to Las Cruces, NM and head up to I40 to get north of Hurricane Gustav and the evacution taking place.  Good idea!

Heard from Terry at 7pm our time and 9pm their time.  They decided to go as far as Shamrock TX, just west of the Oklahoma border on I40.  They encountered more rain throughout the morning, but ran into dry and sunny skies as the day progressed.  They had dinner and were going to watch the weather channel to decide their next step.  Said they ONLY got about 780 miles, short of the 1,000 miles they wanted to accomplish, but the weather  decided otherwise.

So tonight they will calculate how far to Key West, Fl and when Hurricane Hanna will hit and with what intensity, aye yi yi......

So we will see what transpires tomorrow!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day One Leaving home....

Here is Terry in the garage at 5:20 am and ready to roll it out the door.
It is foggy and cold, but many different weather changes will occur shortly......

One last glance,  Goodbye Love, make great memories!

And off he goes.....

Day One- San Luis Obispo to ?

Mark made Terry a custom "helmet cam"  just for the trip!  As one of our friends said, "hope he doesn't catch a side wind!"

Mark had to try it on as well!  Too funny

After a short set back, Terry & Mark are off and running, well, riding.  Terry left at 5:30am to meet up with Mark off of I-5.  They will head to the first checkpoint in San Ysidro.  This blog might be somewhat boring because I will not have any pictures unless Terry can take some time and upload then to me.  So we will see.
Of course the biggest concern of everyone, is the Southern route they chose is in the current path of Hurricane Gustav!  Yikes, well there are alternate routes and I will facilitate what I can from the "home base".
As soon as I get my card reader to work, I can upload at least the picture of him leaving this morning.