Well, here is to modern day communications and my skills to communicate. Terry called this evening from Naples, FL. My concerns were only due to lack of connecting. They ended up staying in Nasheville, TN last night and he forgot he said he would call. Apologies...and they got up or left at 4:30 am this morning, as I suspected to make a good day of it. They did not hit any rain until after noon. They are tucked in, bellies full and they will make it to Key West tomorrow. They do not have to push to get up too early, as they want daylight to cross the Everglades and take in the scenery. I cannot imagine what they will see tomorrow. He says it will take around 3.5 hrs in and then the same (duh) out.
So far this is what they have done:
Day 1, 8/30 Sat...SLO to San Ysidro, Ca to Tuscon, AZ...750 miles
Day 2, 8/31 Sun...Tucson, AZ to Shamrock, TX...779 miles
Day 3, 9/1 Mon...Shamrock, TX to Nasheville, TN...826 miles
Day 4, 9/2 Tue...Nasheville, TN to Naples, FL...925 miles
They figured they added an additional 463 running north from Gustav, to make a total of 3280 miles so far.

This is what they fill out and mail in for confirmation of their having been at each corner.
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