First thing said," it was another excruciating day". Having to travel through the major cities like Washington, DC, Terry said he made a major blunder with the GPS and dropped them at the Pentagon and then had to wind around surface streets, like by the Washington Monument, etc. which Mark enjoyed seeing. Lots of traffic and not the way to put down the miles.
He said that taking 95 through New Jersey was a joke. And allot of toll roads, with "slime", that wonderful combination of coolant and oil from the cars, which is slicker than snot to try and balance your bike while getting out the money. Then Terry is still trying to figure why out Mark only had to pay .40 and he had to pay .70! Then while Mark was impressing the toll operator by grabbing a handful of throttle, generated a slight heart palpitation when his bike fishtailed away!
Then, Terry dropped the bike, at a standstill, while pulled off on the side at an off ramp to adjust the seat. The bike rolled forward and off the side stand! And that bike is a heavy pig to pick up.
So for now, they will do a bit of laundry and go look at another beemer that Terry spotted on ebay before he left, and yes, that is in Rhode Island. Who knows, if he buys it, ...well, hard to say...
Let's see, oh yes.....Terry wanted me to post that apparently Subway Sandwiches bring out an aggression in Mark, give him a Subway, and that throttle gets twisted and off he goes!
And, then Mark called me to tell me about a little story today. Sometime this morning, Mark follows Terry off the freeway, towards a church, and he is not quite sure what is going on, Terry says, just give him a minute, (Mark not sure what is going on, did he need to go into the chapel?) but Terry says he can't go further without a quick nap, Terry neglected to tell Mark that he can power nap, and in 10-15 minutes be ready to run.
So, they pull into this "deserted" church parking lot. Terry rolls up his jacket, sticks it under his head, on the asphalt of the parking lot. So Mark pulls out a Power Bar and eats a snack while Terry regenerates. Now Mark says there was a school there, unbeknownst to them and a firedrill commences and out comes all these kidlets and spots this guy lying on the parking lot and one leaning against his bike snacking. Terry said he could hear some commotion, but it wasn't until he opened his eyes, that he say the kids staring at him and the Principal asking if he needed assistance! Mark was rolling!
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