Friday, September 5, 2008

What a day !!

Mark tried to impress me with a fish tail out of the toll booth, but I wasn't. He looked like he had just had a stroke. The Harley seems to be holding together. The new pipes did wonders. They are the only thing that looks clean. It seems the the only time the Harley gets cleaned is when it rains, (hasn't rained for 3 days).

Major fopaw (2) today, I am trying to read the GPS and watch the road signs, I'm so confused, missed the 95 turn and ended up at the Pentagon. Mark saved me and lead me on a scenic tour of downtown Washington D.C.  He said he had never been there before, but he knew his way out, go figure. Lots of surfaces streets and traffic (great tour guide) but he found his (and mine) way out of D. C. back on the Interstate. Got to see the Bronx (sp), I told Mark that we were taking on some local color but I was sure it would wash off.

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